7 Menu Design Tips to Boost Your Restaurant’s Revenue

Is your menu design losing you revenue?

When crafting your menu you might not immediately think of its design as the most important factor in its creation. However, great menu design is not only a guide for your guests, but an essential sales tool with the power to boost your revenue.

1.The Order of the Dishes

Since our attention is subconsciously drawn to the first couple of items in a list, positioning high-ticket menu items at the top of the menu will make the other dishes appear better value. This can help increase sales on mid-range, high GP dishes as guests opt for more approachable items.

2. Keep Your Pricing Understated

Don’t let the cost of big-ticket menu items discourage guests. By removing currency symbols and using whole numbers where possible (e.g. 12 or 12.5 instead of  $12.00 or $12.50), prices become less of a focal point.

3. Use Colour Theory

The colours you choose for your menu have the ability to subtly and not-so-subtly influence what customers order. Warm, vibrant colours such as red and orange are often associated with an increase in appetite while also drawing attention and inspiring action. Consider using these colours (sparingly) to highlight special deals or items with higher margins.

4. Ditch the Photos

While photographic menus certainly have a place, poor quality, inconsistent, or misleading photos can be an instant turn-off for restaurant-goers. To avoid this, stick to text-only or consider accenting your menu with fun on-brand illustrations to give customers an idea of what to expect.

5. Be Descriptive

Information is power. The more information you provide about your dishes, the more likely a guest will feel confident and empowered in their decision to order. There’s no need to write a novel for every menu item, but an enticing and well-written description with a bit of background behind the dish can be the perfect way to draw attention to your more high-ticket items.

6. Layout is Key

Whether you have a small single-page menu or a full catalogue, the overall layout of your offerings can greatly affect the way a guest interacts with your menu. Having a consistent visual hierarchy of fonts and colours will make your menu easier to navigate, while the use of boxes and dividing lines to create sections will draw attention to certain dishes.

7. Materials Matter

Even the most beautifully designed menu can fall flat with cheap paper or a bad print job. If your venue leans luxe, be sure to opt for a high-quality print finish. Whatever the offering, don’t skimp on the print!

Looking for tailored advice on how to optimise your menu? Drop us a message and see how Darling Crackles can help with your hospitality marketing and design needs.


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